25 WTF Moments From The Mission: Impossible Franchise

15. "I Am Gagging For It" (Mission: Impossible II)

When Sean Ambrose's (Dougray Scott) underling Hugh (Richard Roxburgh) floats the possibility that Nyah's sudden return to him is a little too coincidental, he tells him, "She wasn't exactly gagging for it when she left you six months ago." This enrages Ambrose, who grabs Hugh and places one of his fingers inside a cigar cutter. He then tells him, "Now Hugh, you must realise that some of us have the burden of sex to deal with. And I may or may not know why she thinks she's here, but I'm willing to take the risk, because Hugh, I am gagging for it." He then slices the tip of Hugh's finger off. It's such a bizarre, strangely homoerotic scene, and the image of the finger being cut is a hilariously obvious castration metaphor.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.