25 WTF Moments From The Mission: Impossible Franchise

8. Ethan "Dies" (Mission: Impossible II)

The homoerotic subtext continues near the end of the movie, when Ambrose has Hunt captured and says, "Now this is what's known as 'getting your gun off'", before unloading a full clip into Ethan's body with near-orgasmic delight. On closer inspection, however, Ambrose notices that Ethan has a bandaged finger, and soon enough realises that Hunt's not dead: he placed a mask of himself on Hugh, who is now dead underneath the Hunt disguise, as the real Hunt (who was wearing a Hugh mask) flees. It's a great idea for a twist, but the problem is that the movie makes such egregious use of face masks earlier on in the movie that it's just too predictable. The audience knows Ethan isn't dead, all the more so because the franchise has manufactured a very easy get-out clause for this sort of thing.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.