During the early 80s, the slasher movie market was oversaturated beyond belief. With the success of Friday The 13th we were bombarded with a slew of knockoffs and horror films that werent at all interested in the challenge of trying something new. Then came New Line Cinema and Wes Craven to create one of the greatest horror movie villains in the form of the burnt-face Freddy Krueger: the killer who could off you in your dreams. As many know, the first Elm Street was originally intended to be a standalone endeavour, but such was Kruegers immediate success that a franchise was born. And since 1984 - rightly or wrongly - there have been nine Freddy films to date (including Freddy Vs. Jason). Like most horror franchises, over an extended period of time, A Nightmare On Elm Street has produced its fair share of materially peculiar moments. Be it something amusingly weird we couldnt have possibly expected, gaping plot holes, or something so tremendously warped and demented youd need to be pretty deranged to think of it in the first place. With that, lets take a trip down memory lane (or Elm Street to be exact) and watch terror regress into titillating homoeroticism, bizarre cameos, and morbid one-liners...
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com