25 WTF Moments In Batman V Superman

23. Luthor€™s Security All Needs Firing

Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.
The cliche of heroes infiltrating villains' parties in order to uncover their secrets (because supervillains ALWAYS have a massive server room just off their kitchen, because they're all morons who sh*t where they eat), is now a completely unwelcome cliche. But Snyder doesn't care about that, so we got to see Bruce Wayne walking freely around Lex Luthor's house. Fair play if he'd shown off Bruce Wayne's sleuthing skills it might have been fine, but in showing us two security guards who shrugged at him walking into the computer room and then painting Mercy Graves (a bad-ass in her source animated show) as an easily duped idiot was a step too far. She's supposed to be Luthor's most trusted side-kick and she basically just giggled at Wayne's obviously terrible cover story and left him to it. Does Superman actually know that Bruce Wayne is Batman? Why isn't there some sort of acknowledgement or at least questioning, when Clark Kent is still supposedly investigating the Bat as a dangerous vigilante? How bad an investigative journalist is he?
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