27 WTF Moments From The Human Centipede 3

1. Assorted WTF Dialogue

Love or hate the film, Tom Six certainly has a knack for coming up with provocative dialogue, be it wryly hilarious or simply so screwed up you can't believe you're hearing it. Here are a few of the most memorable zingers throughout the movie: Boss tells Daisy, "I need my ball-sack emptied before lunch". After Hughes berates his prison's methods and leaves, Boss shouts, "You imbecile, communist, zombie c***! I'll stuff your baggy homosexual s***hole with Cuban cigars up to your throat!" In a moment of stress, Boss says, "My leadership balls are atom bombs. 100 megatons each!" The castrated inmate says to Boss, "When I get loose, I'm gonna find some barbed wire and f*** you in the a** with it. And then, I'm gonna dig up your German Nazi parents and I'm gonna f***ing rape them too. Sieg heil, motherf***er." Because Boss apparently can't pronounce the word "sucker", he says, "I'm gonna shoot all the malignant c***-sockets." When Dwight conceives the human centipede plan, he says the brilliant zinger, "We ain't gotta deal with their s*** no more, they just gotta deal with each other's." As the plans for the centipede are being finalised, Dr. Jones says, "All of this is beginning to be in serious conflict with my Hippocratic oath." Of the drugged, unconscious inmates, Boss says, "Their submissiveness gives me a huge erection", and when the castrated inmate begs not to go in the centipede, he replies, "Your whining makes my d*** even harder." When Boss visits Daisy in hospital, he says, "Beaten up women make me so horny." As Boss and Dwight try to sell the idea of the centipede to Senator Hughes, he replies, "You talk so much s*** your a** must get jealous." Have you seen The Human Centipede 3 yet? What did you think? Which moment disturbed or amused you the most? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.