27 Young Actors Destined To Dominate Hollywood In The Next Decade

3. Millie Bobby Brown

Young Actors
Warner Bros.

Known for: Stranger Things

Millie Bobby Brown started her career with guest appearances on the likes Once Upon A Time In Wonderland and Grey's Anatomy, but it was her role in Netflix's Stranger Things that made people take notice. Portraying the mysterious Eleven, the young actress was nothing short of captivating in the role and, despite the insanely talented cast of veterans and newcomers, she managed to stand out.

Her authentic performance earned her an Emmy nomination at just 13 years old. Incredibly, she would go on to replicate this success, turning in another amazing performance in the second season before receiving yet another Emmy nomination.

Brown is set to make her big screen debut next year, playing one of the lead roles in Godzilla: King Of The Monsters. This, along with the fact that she's returning for Season 3 of Stranger Things, suggests that 2019 will be another major year for her. The starlet never fails to impress and is destined to have a long and prosperous career on both the small and big screens.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.