1. Darth Vader

Vader. Post Episode III. Hunting down the remaining Jedi. Need I say anymore? Its the stuff we all wanted to see in Revenge of the Sith, but Lucass structure of the final act in the Prequel trilogy made it more about the turn than it did about the fallout. To me this gap between Episode III and IV is fertile ground to lay out a whole other trilogy. Lucasfilm had plans for a TV show to sit between the two trilogies but judging by reports, even that avoided Vader and the Empire and went more down the side character routes. This stand alone story HAS to be on the cards. Disney will get Vader (arguably the most recognisable character in the Star Wars franchise) back, theyll get an unseen but much talked about piece of Star Wars history to play with on screen and lets us finally see Vader doing what we all imagined he did pre New Hope. Oh and we get Stromtroopers too. Bonus! Overall these stand alone stories need to strengthen what we know and love about the core story of Star Wars. I dont want side orders, so off of track we begin to forget what Star Wars is all about and theres a huge playing field between the two trilogies to do this in before we start going pre-Episode 1 and into the far flung history of the Star Wars Galaxy. Disney seem to be in this for the long haul and this first wave needs to celebrate Star Wars in ways that tie this new trilogy, as well as the stand alones into the whole. I for one will be more forgiving with this side orders when it comes to style, design and taking artistic leaps as the stand alone films seems more of an area for creative play. However with six films in six years, Disney need to tread careful or the story of the Skywalkers may get lost in amongst any new story arcs they add if they are not careful. So then, over to you guys. Who do you want to get their own films and more so where do you want them set? What do you think the side order films should aim to do for the Star Wars Galaxy and is one Star Wars films a year too much or just right? It looks like we are about to get a tsunami of Star Wars guys. Hold onto something.