Joel Schumacher originally wanted Nicole Kidman to play Poison Ivy in Batman Forever, but due to the fact that Kidman was eventually cast as Dr. Chase Meridian, leaving only Two-Face and the Riddler as the villains of the film, Schumacher decided to bring Ivy to a sequel. When it was time for that sequel, one of the first actresses that was strongly considered was America's sweetheart Julia Roberts. With her natural red hair and flawless beauty; the actress more than likely would have been perfect for the role. Though, it's obviously a good thing that she didn't end up in the movie, for her sake. Uma Thurman would go on to play the character. With her ridiculously hammy and over-the-top performance, she would surprisingly prove to be one of the few good things to come out of the ordeal.
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: