As the story goes: Robert Smigel, the famous comedy writer who created The Ambiguously Gay Duo, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and more, once wrote a comedy screenplay for Green Lantern with Jack Black pegged to star. The basic story is this. Around 2004, Warner Brothers hired Smigel to write a funny Green Lantern screenplay. Jack Black was originally not interested but after he read Smigels script, he changed his mind and came onboard. The studio gave Smigel notes but once word leaked on the Internet about the idea, the studio had a change of heart and canned the project, opting to begin developing a more serious take, which didn't exactly turn out all that well either. The script leaked online a few years ago and as you probably could have guessed, it wasnt really that good. There are a couple funny bits, but by and large, it's pretty weak. Another likely disaster, thankfully avoided.
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: