30 Biggest Movies Of 2015 We Can't Wait For

3. Inferno (Dec 18)

2006's Da Vinci Code was a colossal success (financially more so than critically), and the 2009 follow-up Angels and Demons, though not as financially successful, was still a worldwide hit, so it's a surprise it's taken so long for Ron Howard and Tom Hanks to get together for Dan Brown's Inferno. Inferno sees Langdon (Hanks) waking up in an Italian hospital with no memory of how he get there, as he soon comes to realise that someone is trying to kill him. Yes, expect plenty of globe-trotting and allusions to classic literature, and while Inferno probably won't end up being a critical marvel, it's almost certain to print money, especially with Hanks' star being considerably re-ignited after his standout work in Captain Phillips. Still, with it going up against Star Wars Episode VII, it's either going to suffer financially or, as is more likely, it will end up moving dates. Predicted Rotten Tomatoes Score: 39%

2. Kung Fu Panda 3 (Dec 23)

After an entertaining first entry, Kung Fu Panda took itself to the next level with Kung Fu Panda 2, which emphasised Po's (Jack Black) family struggles in heart-warming fashion, ending with an awesome cliffhanger as Po's father realises that his son is still alive. Admirably not rushing a third movie out, hopefully director Jennifer Yuh Nelson (who directed the second film) and scribes Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger (who wrote both previous films) have carved out a thoughtful, emotional conclusion to this unexpectedly fantastic saga. With all the usual suspects returning on top of Rebel Wilson, Bryan Cranston (who we suspect will voice Po's father), and Mads Mikkelsen (who will with 99.999% certainty play the film's villain) lending their voices, Nelson and co. have everything they need to bring the franchise to a close in suitably emotive fashion, and even deliver the best of the trilogy. Our fingers are crossed. Predicted Rotten Tomatoes Score: 92%

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.