Synopsis: Having been created in a laboratory as a means for companionship, Johnny Depp is found by an average family in a cookie-cutter suburb. His differences are at first his appeal until the neighbourhood can no longer attempt to understand them. Now scared of the unique young man, the public rallies, while Winona Ryder embraces Depp, turning away from the norm for a taste of the taboo. Lesson: Don't fear what you don't understand. Don't vilify what could be a wonderful thing if you can't take the time to understand it. You can only live half a life if you judge before you really know.
13. Temple Grandin (2010)
Synopsis: Claire Danes plays Temple Grandin, inventor and Autism activist, in this biopic. We follow Grandin's life from childhood to adulthood in a time when Autism was considered to be a condition in which sufferers could only be institutionalised. Though she hit many walls on her journey, Grandin used her alarming brilliance to invent a machine that most cattle farms use today. Lesson: Don't let your own adversity hold you back. If you can't let your own confidence guide you to your potential, you can forget about ever achieving anything. Others' faith in you can certainly motivate you, but you cannot depend on it.
12. The Fountain (2006)
Synopsis: Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz play lovers in three separate stories that show the ultimate demise of a relationship at the hands of a man's inability to accept the end. A brain surgeon and a cancer patient, a warrior and a queen, a lone survivor and the vision that haunts him, Jackman and Weisz travel the path to the end at polar opposites on the spectrum of acceptance. Lesson: Don't let work cloud your ability to love. Whether you neglect your love in lieu of work for selfish reasons or to ensure a comfortable life for everyone, you will miss valuable time that you will never get back. For some, that time missed will prove detrimental to their well being.
I am a college graduate of Penn State with two bachelors in the arts. When I'm not writing or performing, I am an SFX make-up artist for local up and coming films in the Houston area. I love horror movies, James Spader, and will watch anything suggested to me.