Synopsis: Michael Douglas lives alone and miserably, worrying only about his wealth, work, and the unravelling of his younger brother, Sean Penn. After accepting a birthday present from Penn, Douglas's life changes drastically as he finds himself in the middle of a dangerous game that leaves him penniless, battered, and questioning everything that comes his way. Lesson: Don't wait too long to enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you spend your entire life working, judging those who are less than you, and generally being a jackass, you'll forget that you are as mortal as the rest of us. Don't let your wake up call be more drastic than it needs to be.
10. My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)
Synopsis: Julia Roberts is asked to be in her best friend's, Dermot Mulroney, wedding and accepts, before realising that she is in love with him. Roberts tries to foil the wedding through several dirty ploys, however wife-to-be, Cameron Diaz, proves a hard person to hate. Lesson: You need to be able to let things go. Not everything is going to work out in your favour. It is easy to keep dreams and people on the back burner, but they won't be there forever. If you truly think they will make you happy, don't wait until the last minute to say so; you may miss your chance indefinitely.
9. Muriel's Wedding (1994)
Synopsis: Toni Colette is an unfortunate looking, middle-class, single loser who longs for the fairy tale ending that all girls do. Desperate to fit in with the popular girls and not to disappoint her family, Colette agrees to marry a swimming champion to get him into the country, under the guise of true love. Her best friend, Rachel Griffiths, can see Colette isn't doing herself any favors and, after being shut down, abandons her friend and watches her burn. Lesson: Be careful what you wish for. It is easy to overlook the great things that you already have going for you if you spend your days deceiving yourself into thinking that your life could be ultimately better. Another lesson - your best friend will always have your back unless what you're thinking of doing is only going to result in your own heartache. They're there to tell you what you don't want to hear. Listen to them once in a while.
I am a college graduate of Penn State with two bachelors in the arts. When I'm not writing or performing, I am an SFX make-up artist for local up and coming films in the Houston area. I love horror movies, James Spader, and will watch anything suggested to me.