30 Greatest Movies Of All Time

19. Gone With The Wind (1939)

Producer David O. Selznick's lavish adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's novel was a production beset by problems. However, despite endless rewrites of the script, a two year struggle to cast the two leads a shoot that went through three directors and several cinematographers, the end result was ultimately the greatest romantic epic in Hollywood history. From the production design and costumes to the sweeping visuals and near four-hour running time, Gone With the Wind is the embodiment of Golden Age Hollywood opulence. Although some aspects of the movie have inevitably dated, the sprawling narrative boasts strong performances from the entire cast, particularly Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in their iconic roles, and delivers grand spectacle that mightily overshadows some weak dialogue and thin characterization. Gone With the Wind would go on to win eight Academy Awards from thirteen nominations including Best Picture, Director, Actress, Supporting Actress and Adapted Screenplay. Adjusted for inflation it remains the most commercially successful movie in history, with the $400m worldwide gross equivalent to a mind-boggling $6.5bn today.

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