30 Greatest Movies Of All Time

16. Back To The Future (1985)

No matter how many times you've already seen it, Robert Zemeckis' timeless adventure is one of those movies that you always end up watching when you stumble upon it when channel-hopping. Almost 30 years on, Back to the Future remains one of the most purely enjoyable popcorn movies ever made, and will no doubt be viewed with the same affection in another 30 years. A unique blend of sci-fi, action, comedy and romance, the brilliantly inventive script by Zemeckis and Bob Gale juggles all of these moving parts with consummate ease and wrings plenty of laughs, tension and heart from the complex narrative. Anchored by an eminently likeable Michael J Fox in a career-defining role, the rest of the cast also deliver knockout comic performances in a movie filled with endlessly quotable dialogue, a classic soundtrack and no shortage of iconic moments. The hugely ambitious project was made for just $19m, and Back to the Future would go on to become the biggest hit of 1985, grossing over $380m at the box office. The movie also manages the rare feat of being equally appealing to both adults and children, and is regarded as essential viewing for each new generation of younger cinema fans.

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