30 Greatest Movies Of All Time

15. Schindler's List (1993)

1993 was undoubtedly the greatest year of Steven Spielberg's career, and one that definitively debunked the myth that he was only a director of lightweight, populist entertainment. Only five months after the release of Jurassic Park, Spielberg showed his versatility as he delivered his most personal movie yet with a harrowing, heartbreaking and ultimately uplifting historical drama. The subject matter had to be handled delicately to avoid the movie slipping into over-sentimental melodrama, but Schindler's List avoids these pitfalls to present a powerful, often brutally realistic true-life story that runs the emotional spectrum from fear and horror to compassion and the strength of the human spirit. The writing, directing, cinematography and acting are all of the highest quality and combine to create one of the most gripping and authentic historical features ever made. Schindler's list deservedly won Academy Awards for Best Picture, Director, Adapted Screenplay and Cinematography, as well as earning $321.6m at the box office. Although sometimes a difficult watch, the movie's themes of life and death, good versus evil and the difference one man can make resonate throughout the near 200 minute running time.

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