30 Most Hotly Anticipated Movies Still To Come In 2016 - Ranked

20. Collateral Beauty

2016 Films To Come
Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire

Release Date: December 16th

Billed As: Will Smith (on Oscar-baiting form, perhaps) suffers personal tragedy, gets depressed and is then pulled out of it by his friends.

Hype: If Will Smith is involved, you've got in-built draw, and the idea of him playing an ad executive who suffers a tragedy and is pulled into a spiralling depression are very on-point for his best material. He knows how to get the best out of emotionally manipulative material (see his previous collaboration with director David Frankel, 21, for instance) and it's a move back to familiar waters after Suicide Squad.

The rest of the cast - including Helen Mirren, Michael Pena, Kate Winslet, Kiera Knightley and Ed Norton - is amazing, and while the title is AWFUL, the faint hints of it resembling a better Reign Over Me are hard to ignore.


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