30 Most Hotly Anticipated Movies Still To Come In 2016 - Ranked

25. The Light Between Oceans

2016 Films To Come
Touchstone Pictures

Release Date: September 2nd

Billed As: The latest super-intense drama by Derek Cianfrance adapted from a startling novel by M. L. Stedman

Hype: Again, this is a case of an excellent source novel ensuring a great foundation for the film, and it helps even further than Cianfrance's leading couple this time out are Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander.

Like Blue Valentine, this drama should prove to be claustrophobic in the right places, charming and utterly captivating, and the promise of stark, punctuating emotional violence (in the shape of the real mother of the child they find washed ashore and adopt) looms irresistibly.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.