30 Most Memorable Oscar Moments From The Last 30 Years

12. Martin Scorsese FINALLY Wins Best Director (2007)

The Departed Martin Scorsese Leonardo Dicaprio
Warner Bros.

It only took six Best Director Oscar nominations for Martin Scorsese to finally win the award himself, after having 40 years of filmmaking behind him and being previously nominated for the iconic likes of Raging Bull, The Last Temptation of Christ, Goodfellas, Gangs of New York and The Aviator.

Scorsese finally won Best Director in 2007 for his spectacular work on The Departed, and though Scorsese was certainly a worthy winner that year, many expressed disappointment that the Academy didn't give him the award for one of his more seminal prior works.

Hilariously, Scorsese jokingly asked the producers to double-check the envelope when he went to the stage to collect his award, and enormously belated though it was, it still proved to be a hugely satisfying moment in Oscar history.

And it didn't hurt that Scorsese's pals Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg were gathered on stage to present the award.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.