31 Most Iconic Lines From Batman Movies

12. Criminal Business 101

The Quote: "If you're good at something, never do it for free."

The Joker's appeal in the first half of The Dark Knight is built on the image of a mercenary willing to do anything for a price, and without restrictions in how he achieves his targets, and though that makes way for the more typical portrait of him as Batman's counter-point - the two defining each other - it remains an enduring idea, especially as he is so eminently quotable.

11. The Origins Of Fear

Bats Frighten Me Gif

The Quote: €œBats frighten me. It€™s time my enemies share my dread.€

Presumably, there are not many mirrors in Bat-cave, since Bruce Wayne chooses a personal symbol of a very personal fear to model his crime fighting image, but that contradiction doesn't negate from the importance of this line, which fills in a gap that had rarely been discussed in the Batman films that came before.

There's also the slightest hint again of Wayne recognising himself in his villains, as if he knows that his origin could easily have pushed him down a darker path, and that he has thus equipped himself with the means to scare himself good as well as his criminal opponents.

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