31 Most Iconic Lines From Batman Movies

10. The Cold, Hard Truth

The Quote: "I don't, I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, NO! No. You... you... complete me."

This was the moment The Joker became more than the over-excited dog chasing cars without thought for the consequences, and also arguably the best moment of Heath Ledger's troubling, brilliant performance as the clown. In admitting his dynamic with his enemy, The Joker also confirms Batman's worst fears: not only that others will rise to copy him, but that others will rise seeking validation for their villainy.

9. Guess Who

The Quote: "I'm Batman!" - Batman

It has almost become a cliche for superheroes to grand-stand their own names in the face of a villain they're about to best, or a situation that requires a heroic statement of intent, but Batman remains the king of the self-announcement. And almost unthinkably, the line never even happened, as the script originally called for Batman to say the far stupider: "Tell your friends, tell all your friends - I am the night!"

This was the moment that utterly sold Michael Keaton as Batman, after criticisms of his casting, and it has been used as a heroic moment in almost every Batman film since in one way or another.

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