31 Scariest Movie Moments Of All Time

4. The Basement - Zodiac

Zodiac Basement Scene
Warner Bros.

Zodiac is as much about fear itself as it is about a single unsolved serial killer case: in both cases, minds are warped, lives are ruined and you can taste the emotional response it's so tangible. The whole film plays out like Jake Gyllenhaal's nightmare as his life unravels in pursuit of the Zodiac killer, with his attachment to reality loosening with every passing day he loses to it.

The bet scene in the movie comes when Graysmith follows a lead to Bob Vaughn, the theatre manager he is convinced is involved with the murders. It's nothing more than a red herring, dropped in to confuse you and mimic the fog of confusion around the entire case - but that doesn't stop it being horrendously compelling.

Very few films have managed to capture fear quite so well: you feel every bead of sweat on Graysmith's forehead, you believe the figments of fear he creates (there's probably nobody upstairs, just like the noises in your house are probably just it settling). And it doesn't amount to anything: it's just his mind screwing with him.


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