31 Scariest Movie Moments Of All Time

2. The Crawler - The Ring

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Some might say that the advent of blu-ray marked the death of the VHS, but it's far more likely (though infinitely less provable) that it was actually down to The Ring (and the original, arguably scarier Ringu). Why would anyone continue to invest in a product that could be so obviously susceptible to hauntings.

Based on the stunningly simple idea that anyone who watches a film would die in exactly 7 days, The Ring (and Ringu's) most terrifying moment comes when the prophecy proves itself and the little girl with the terrible complexion and greasy hair crawls out of the TV with murder on her mind. If NOPE were a movie scene, this would undoubtedly be it.

It's an agonising slow-burn, shot in near silence, and the monster's swaying, other-worldly gait is irresistible and more than enough to scare. Who needs gory make-up or effects when you can achieve the same effect with a night-gown and an emo hairstyle? Perhaps most scary is the fact that you completely understand the victim's crippling inability to run.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.