31 WTF Moments From The Jurassic Park Franchise

6. "It's A UNIX System. I Know This" (Jurassic Park)

An undeniably ridiculed scene in Jurassic Park occurs when Lex takes a peek at one of the park's main computers, amusingly exclaiming, "It's a UNIX system, I know this", before the computer monitor shows her operating a preposterous 3D file navigator which, while actually developed in crude stages at the time of the movie's production, was never completed due to, well, its inherent pointlessness. Today, the scene stands as a relic of how absurdly Hollywood misunderstood even basic computer processes in the pre-Internet age, and, of course, having Lex be this super-smart "hacker" is just relatively obnoxious and annoying anyway. A bizarrely dated blip in a film that has largely aged exceedingly well.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.