32 WTF Moments From The Oscars 2016

21. Black History Month Recognises...Jack Black

In honour of Black History Month, Angela Bassett announces that the Academy is honouring a figure who has done it all, as an actor, producer, comedian, musician and so on, who has starred in serious dramas like Enemy of the State and also family fare such as animated film Shark Tale. Will Smith, you say? Nope. It's Jack Black...because his surname is Black, get it?

20. The Totally Drunk Mad Max Sound Editors

Mad Max: Fury Road's Mark A. Mangini and David White won the Best Sound Editing award and, after taking to the stage, it soon become clear that they were more than a little sauced-up. Mangini screamed, "F***ing Mad Maxxers! Let's hear it!", and after giving a quick speech each, they continued to shout and pose before being guided off-stage by an incredibly stern-faced stage hand. But let's face it, should anyone really expect anything less from the guys crazy enough to work on a Mad Max film?
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Oscars 2016
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.