37 WTF Moments From The Hunger Games Movies

10. Jennifer Lawrence's Painful Overacting

Though Jennifer Lawrence is a highly-acclaimed actress in her own right, what with two Oscar nominations and an outright Best Actress win to her name, she's never seemed able to find the right balance in the Hunger Games movies. While the part understandably requires her to play the emotionally hysterical card fairly often, Lawrence goes wildly overboard with it constantly, whether it's maniacally screeching, "Prim!?!?" when the Jabberjays show up, having a ridiculous nervous breakdown in Haymitch's arms or damn-near dribbling all over Prim's cat Buttercup at the end of Mockingjay Part 2. It's embarrassing to watch from an Oscar winner, and cringe-worthy every time Lawrence decides to go full ham for no discernible reason. Perhaps she's just not quite as excellent an actress as many think?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.