4 Mind Blowing Star Wars Fan Theories That Explain Everything

3. The Real Reason Luke Was Hidden On Tatooine

Boba Fett

Luke Skywalker being hidden on Tatooine made sense in scope of the original trilogy. It was just a nowhere planet, scraping by of its own volition and off the Empire’s radar. However, in the prequels we see that Vader also grew up on Tatooine, and even knew that he had family still there. Surely, putting Luke with his only remaining family that Vader knew were on his own home planet is among the worst hiding places in the galaxy.

Well, perhaps not. This theory speculates that Yoda knew enough of Anakin to be certain he would never return to Tatooine, or ever even order to have it searched, due to his burning hatred of the place. Vader was a slave on Tatooine. It’s where his mother died. And sand is coarse and irritating and gets everywhere.

He desperately wanted to get Tatooine as far from his mind as possible, so much so that he would never think to check if his child had survived and been hidden there.

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Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...