4 Mind Blowing Star Wars Fan Theories That Explain Everything

2. Darth Plagueis Created Anakin Skywalker

Boba Fett

Seeing as the Phantom Menace doesn’t make particularly a big deal of it, and it isn’t referenced again directly throughout the Star Wars films, it’s easy to forget that Anakin was born to a virgin mother (kind of like Jesus, if you follow the Bible as canon). Considering how this seems to be literally a miracle, it’s sort of incredible that nobody on the Jedi Council thought to follow up on how it happened.

Well, the fans did.

The theory postulates that it was Darth Plagueis who created Anakin Skywalker through the force. In their scene at the opera, Palpatine mentions that Darth Plagueis had the power to create life. Anakin, torn up by his visions of Padme’s death, assumes this means the Dark Side has the power to save Padme from death. But that’s not what Palpatine said. Plagueis could create life through the force, not prevent death. And, as far as we know, there is only one person in canon who was born not through conception, but through the force. And that person also happens to have the greatest force potential of any being ever in Star Wars.

Darth Plagueis, perhaps even unbeknownst to his apprentice, succeeded in creating life with the force, Anakin, and unwittingly brought about the downfall of the Sith.

Although some EU material contradicts the theory, as far as the Star Wars canon stands right now, this one checks out.

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Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...