4 Reasons Why The Hobbit Shouldn’t Become A Trilogy

4. It Could Damage The Legacy of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Ultimately I can€™t imagine a way in which changing the proposed adaptation from two parts to three at this late stage wouldn€™t damage the overall quality of Peter Jackson€™s presentation of The Hobbit. I am sure the fans of the series would prefer to be shown two great movies rather than three mediocre ones that stretch the story of The Hobbit beyond recognition. The fact of the matter is that The Hobbit is simply not as epic in its scope as the Lord of the Rings and so therefore does not need three movies to support the plot. The last thing that I would want, if I were Peter Jackson, is for a Hobbit trilogy to be mentioned in years to come in the same breath as the star wars prequels as films that damaged the legacy of the originals. At the end of the day I am sure that Peter Jackson has the best interests of his films in mind and if there were a filmmaker who could pull off a three-part adaptation of The Hobbit I€™m sure that it would be him. I can€™t help but wonder though if studio interference will be what kills The Hobbit in the end. It will be interesting to see how this story develops.

I'm a 20 year old law student with a passion for film and television. I aim to not be too cynical about film and to approach writing as a speculative fan and not as a critic.