4 Worrying Life Lessons The Twilight Saga Teaches Young Girls

2. Having A Boyfriend Is The Most Important Thing In The World

lolbelladepressed The whole plot of Twilight and its entire series of films and books can be diluted to a single concept; being in a relationship is the best thing in the world. Nobody€™s denying that being in a relationship is good but the Twilight series puts a ridiculous amount of emphasis on just how fantastically, unbelievably super-duper it really is. It does this to such an extent that, when Edward leaves Bella after they have only known each other for a few months, Bella slips into a deep depression. AFTER A FEW MONTHS. You could understand this reaction if they were on course for a year or two but after a few months together, the idea that somebody then spends the next few weeks of their life just sat in their room hating life is a bit ridiculous. Either she gets incredibly attached far too easily, or she doesn't like a lot of things. The fact that this happens shows just how inexperienced with relationships Stephanie Meyer was when she wrote the books, or at least came up with the concept. She's writing out her teenage fantasy and it just so happens to coincide with the fantasy of every teenage girl out there. It€™s just teaching the sillier girls who read the books that this is fine. You should be depressed for a long, long time when you an your boyfriend OF A FEW MONTHS separate, that's the normal way to react! If you have a boyfriend, you€™d better be clingy as all hell, because you€™re going to want to kill yourself if it ever ends!

20 year old student from Manchester, UK. Currently studying Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University, hoping to enter a career in journalism in the future. Follow him on twitter, https://twitter.com/joebutters.