4 Worst Aliens To Have As Pets

3. Critters (Critters)

You can always tell a lot about a person when you bring up this movie. Usually the sheer mention of Critters gets even the most mild mannered of fanboys shouting €œGremlins€™ and €œbut Gizmo€™s so awesome€™ at me, in some deluded belief Critters was a simple rip-off of a superior film. Well, it wasn€™t (having gone into pre-production before the Gremlins movie was released two years earlier), and Critters is easily the best-- the more ridiculous and violent of the two, the critters franchise spanned 4 chapters, each reassuringly familiar to the last and plumbing new depths of B-movie pleasure. The Critters are seemingly cute, fluffy furballs€”until they look at you with their razor sharp teeth and bloodshot eyes (imagine a drug addict Gizmo waking up in a ditch with a dirty hangover). Cue plenty of objectionable humans who find them, try to catch them, and face their well-deserved demise in a way only fitting for a low budget 80€™s horror movie. I would LOVE to have one of these as a pet as long as I could control it, just get a funny feeling it wouldn€™t quite go to plan, and I€™d end up as a footnote on IMDB behind
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Former TV Exec now enjoying a calmer existence... Big lover of all things animated and sci-fi with a few guilty pleasures alongside