40 Movies That Will Kick-Ass In 2018
7. Ready Player One
Based on the excellent debut novel of Ernest Cline, epic sci-fi Ready Player One sees Steven Spielberg once more embracing his genre roots to take Tye Sheridan into the alt-reality world of Oasis, a sort of opt-in Matrix designed to allow them to escape from the grim Dystopian reality of their own world.
It's a pertinent story for a number of reasons, focusing on an Easter Egg hunt in the game that allows the finder to inherit the Oasis creator's entire fortune (and the game itself) and it's also all about VR, which is so hot right now.
Quite how much of its cultural reference points - it borrows levels from video games like Dungeons & Dragons, scenes from films like War Games and Monty Python And The Holy Grail - remains to be seen, but it looks like one of the most imaginative films currently in production.
Release Date: March 30th