41 Things In Harry Potter You Totally Missed

32. Product Placement

When Hagrid is escorting Harry out of Knockturn Alley at the start of The Chamber Of Secrets, and again when Lockhart turns to show his other profile to the photographer, hardcover editions of Harry Potter books can be seen on the shelves.

31. Don't Know Much 'Bout Geography

Londoners would already know this, but the rest of the world probably wouldn€™t: the train station interior is King's Cross in North London, whereas the exterior shot used in Chamber of Secrets and Deathly Hallows Part 2 is actually St. Pancras. The two are adjacent to one another, but they are not the same building. This was done because the architecture of St. Pancras is obvously much more visually appealing.

30. We Give Detentions Here At Hogwarts, Mr. Malfoy, Not Unforgivable Curses

When Lucius Malfoy attempts to curse Harry at the end of the second film after the confrontation in Dumbledore's office, he mutters, "Avada..." Which seems a bit extreme to use an Unforgivable Curse on a child in the middle of Hogwarts, especially on the famous Harry Potter. Even if Harry did just lose him his house elf. But it does give Malfoy another reason to be mad at Harry; just like that little thing about Harry making his master disappear when Harry was just a baby. The Malfoys have some serious grudge issues.

29. Muggles Just Use A Flashlight To Read Under The Covers

Warner Bros.Warner Bros.Remember when Harry got into trouble with the Ministry of Magic for Dobby€™s magic in Chamber of Secrets? So why didn't he for practicing the €œLumos Maxima€ spell in his bedroom in The Prisoner Of Azkaban? Of course, they didn't prosecute him for blowing up his aunt, either. And shouldn't Uncle Vernon have been suspicious that Harry was sleeping with his glasses on?

Mr. Thomas is primarily a graphic artist for the San Antonio Express-News, but also finds time to write the DVD Extra blog for the paper’s website.