5 Actors You Didn't Know Wrote Famous Movies

2. Justin Theroux - Iron Man 2 (2010)

Justin Theroux's most memorable film role is the young, helpless Hollywood director Adam Kesher in David Lynch's dreamscape Mulholland Dr., but he also had a hilarious turn around the same time in a small role in American Psycho. Following Mulholland, he worked with Lynch again on Inland Empire and found recurring work on television shows like Six Feet Under and The District, while avoiding media hounding for his realtionship with Jennifer Aniston. But the actor tried his hand at writing in 2010 by penning the sequel to the much-acclaimed Iron Man. You'll notice the title of this article says "Famous Movies" and not "Good Movies", which would otherwise exclude the dismally unexciting Iron Man 2. But hey, he tried - it's not the worst offering in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Iron Man 2 does articulate some Tony Stark-Howard Stark dynamic that play into later films. Despite Theroux having tried his hand at a few other screenplays and being attached to write and direct Zoolander 2, he's the one on this list that I'd prefer would just stick to acting. Iron Man 2 was passable, but most movies don't have an entire universe of superheroes to back them up. And speaking of Marvel...

Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.