5 Actors Who Could Play Ant-Man In MCU Phase Three

2. Joseph Gordon-Levitt


If you don't know who this actor is, then you have most likely been living under a rock for the past few years. This is the one actor that managed to redeem himself after 2009's GI Joe: The Rise Of Cobra. That alone should tell you that this man is an incredible actor. At the age of only 32, he is perfect to play a superhero, and I can honestly imagine him in the Ant-Man costume. He was previously up for the role of Star-Lord in 2014's Guardians of The Galaxy, a role that later went to Chris Pratt. He is rumoured to being playing Batman in the Justice League film, but I honestly just don't see him as Batman. He was already Christopher Nolan's (spoiler alert if you haven't seen The Dark Knight Rises or have been living under a cave) Robin in The Dark Knight Trilogy, but he didn't really get a chance to shine as a superhero at all. He's proven he is leading man material with movies like Looper and (500) Days of Summer, so why not cast him as Ant-Man? It would definitely bring a large female audience in, that's for sure. And the number one on my list goes to...
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Just a regular, everyday guy who loves to write and have his work published. Long time fan of DC and Marvel comics and loves nothing more than to see his fave characters adapted on screen.