5 Alternate Endings That Would Have Killed Franchises Before They Started

2. Alien

alien Believe it or not, Ridley Scott wanted to end Alien with the Alien biting Ellen Ripley€™s head off. The Alien would then make a log entry in Ripley€™s voice, presumably setting up a sequel in which it would menace another hapless crew. The producers found this idea to be far too dark and insisted that the Alien must be killed. Thus, Ripley lived to battle aliens another day and Sigourney Weaver earned an Oscar nomination for her performance in the second film. Now for those of you expecting a snarky comment about Prometheus, I€™m one of the few people who haven€™t seen the movie so it wouldn€™t be fair for me to bash something I haven€™t seen. Sorry.
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I am a fan of film, Doctor Who (and sci-fi in general), fantasy, the adventure genre of gaming (the Myst series in particular), making lists and caesar salad.