5 Characters That Need To Be In Guillermo del Toro's DC Team-Up Film

1. Swamp Thing

In Alan Moore's landmark run of "Swamp Thing", he pretty much concocted the exact movie that del Toro wants to make: a group of magically powered DC characters banded together to stop The Great Darkness, which threatened to cast all of existence into permanent oblivion. And the most important character in that line-up (the one who ended stopping the complete annihilation of all reality) was the muck-encrusted mockery of a man, Swamp Thing. While he's been portrayed before in feature films and cartoons, no one has even attempted to adapt the kind of lyrical beauty and mystical maturity Moore managed to create with the character. If there's one thing del Toro does well, it's fantasy without pandering to children. Go watch Pan's Labyrinth again and see a fairy tale made for grown-ups that is both exciting and terrifying. These are the precise qualities needed for an honest and brilliant translation of what most fans consider to be the definitive version of the character of Swamp Thing. If we're not going to get a standalone Swamp Thing movie that draws on Alan Moore's version, then this is certainly the absolute best next thing. I just wish del Toro could do that standalone movie as well. The DC canon is literally littered with tons of other magical beings that would fit just as well into Guillermo del Toro's maniacally genius world. What other characters should pop up in Heaven Sent? Let your voice be heard in the comments below!

Drew Dietsch is an Entertainment Editor at Fandom.com. He's written for CHUD.com, the News-Press, WhatCulture, and releases a weekly podcast about his media consumption called The Drew Reviews Podcast.