5 Directors That Know How To Deliver A Blockbuster

1. JJ Abrams

startrekRunning The man who managed to restore our faith in Star Trek and could potentially save the sagging Star Wars franchise. Despite his overuse of lens flare, a running joke online, Abrams seems to know what the public want. He retconned the entire Star Trek backstory and made the decision to start afresh with it, a decision that brought in new fans but kept the old ones happy as well. Maybe due to his time on Lost, but Abrams knows how to cast the right people for the roles. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto are fantastic as Kirk and Spock, with the never less than brilliant Cumberbatch as John Harrison. And now that someone has managed to pry Star Wars from George Lucas' greedy creatively challenged fingers, I'm actually excited to see a Star Wars film. Something I certainly never thought I'd say. Agree with the choices? Let me know in the comments below...

A simple chap who loves the magic of cinema despite the odd disappointment or two. Get in touch with Jay on Twitter@reellife32.