5 Essential Movies To Build A Nintendo Cinematic Universe

5. Super Mario Bros.

Mario-Bros-600x300 Without a doubt, the biggest and most well-known Nintendo gaming franchise. Everyone knows about the Mario Bros. This would indeed be the first film to set-up the Nintendo universe. Mario Bros doesn't have that interesting of a plot; Bowser captures Peach, Mario rescues her. For the movie, there would definitely be a changing of plot. The movie would be realistic, yet still have that Mario Bros. feel to it. Yes, there would still be Goombas and Koopa Troopas, yet give it more of a Dark Knight Rises feel. I love how they did the Batman franchise. They took a very cartoonish concept and made it seem dark and realistic; that's exactly how I want this Mario Bros movie to be. The Cast:Adam Pally For the lead role of Mario, I would select Adam Pally. Not just because I am obsessed with Happy Endings, but because I think he could pull it off. Not only does he already kind of look like Mario, he is also very funny. This movie would need that comedic tone to it, I feel like that is mandatory for a Mario Bros. movie. For Luigi, I'm giving it to Zachary Levi. Levi is tall, slender, and funny. He has everything it takes to be a perfect Luigi. Levi and Pally together is a great comedic team and I think it would work very well on screen. For the lead villain role of Waluigi, that would be Christoph Waltz. The man is great at playing that villain type role and I think he could bring some things to Waluigi that people wouldn't expect, and he could make Waluigi believable as the main villain. Princess Peach would be Amber Heard. Princess Peach wouldn't be in the movie too long, so you wouldn't want to spend a lot of money on a HUGE name. I think Heard could get the job done, she's blonde and around the same age as Pally so it all works. For the role of Toad, I would most definitely have Charlie Day. It could be tricky doing a live-action Toad, but it could work. Have him wear white shorts, and a brown vest. As for the big mushroom on his head, that could just be a hat that looks like the mushroom. Seriously, is there a better actor to play the role of Toad? I don't think so. The voice Day possesses is perfect for Toad, plus Day is kind of a little man. The man that will be directing this motion picture would be Martin McDonagh. In Bruges, that is the main reason he would be directing. He took a movie that had action and humor, and still made it dark. That's what I would want for this movie: elements of action, humor, and the dark tone. I think McDonagh is the perfect choice to direct this one. The Plot: The movie starts with a flashback to one year ago. Mario, when under the control of a star, accidentally kills Wario. Princess Peach manages to have Mario freed from Mushroom Kingdom jail after convincing everyone that it was the star and not Mario that actually killed Wario. Mario swears to never face off against evil again and will leave it to the Mushroom Kingdom police. We flash forward a year and Waluigi has started underground coin trafficking with the help of some Goombas and Koopa Troopas. After Waluigi fends off the MushroomKingdom police, Princess Peach asks Mario and is brother, Luigi for their help. Mario is hesitant at first, but ultimately agrees. Mario and Luigi come face to face with Waluigi and Waluigi ends up wounding Luigi. Mario realizes that the only way to stop Waluigi is by using a star. Mario doesn€™t want to, but Peach finally convinces him. Mario takes the star and manages to overpower its control, and defeats Waluigi and sends him to jail. Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach celebrate in Mushroom Kingdom and the Mario Brothers announce that they are back in business! After the credits, we see an over-the-shoulder shot of someone watching the celebration in Mushroom Kingdom. We don€™t see who it is, but we hear Bowser€™s signature laugh.