5 Essential Movies To Build A Nintendo Cinematic Universe

2. Starfox

StarFox64Intro StarFox is one I wasn't sure if I should include or not, then I got a brilliant idea. StarFox is really an ensemble cast of characters. Not only do you have Fox McCloud and whomever the bad guy is, but you have a whole spaceship of supporting characters. StarFox, in my opinion, has the most potential to be a really good movie. When watching this movie, I don't think people will think of this as a video game movie, just as a really good movie. The Cast:Nathan Fillion This movie would be CGI throughout, however there still needs to be voice acting and the actors would also be doing the facial expressions and such. For the role of James McCloud, I think Donald Sutherland is the best choice. Playing the older captain of the ship, Sutherland is great at playing the older, wiser, and father-like character. Peppy Hare would belong to Alan Tudyk. This is perfect. Tudyk has proven that he can be a great supporting player and really bring some life into his characters. He can be really funny and he can also be really sincere and moving. Tudyk would bring a great feel to the role of Peppy, which could be bland if it is not portrayed by Tudyk. Pigma Dengar is an interesting character. His voice is so weird and so creature sounding that Jim Carrey is the only man I feel could do it justice. Pigma starts out on the side of the heroes, so Carrey would have time to show off his comedic chops. SLippy Toad would be played by Michael Cera. Through most of my childhood I assumed that Slippy was a woman. His voice was so feminine that it was really hard to tell. So, Slippy needs to be played by someone with that soft kind of voice, enter Michael Cera. Falco Lombardi will be none other than Will Arnett. Falco would be kind of the smartass of the group, who bickers with Fox thoughout. Though they are clearly friends, Fox and Falco would be at each other's throats throughout most of the movie. Arnett is the perfect guy to play the smartass. Andross is hard to cast just because he is such a weird creature. Andy Serkis would be my choice, just because he is good at it. He is great at being CGI characters, yet giving them emotions and making you feel for them. The leading role of Fox McCloud would be played by Nathan Fillion. Fillion is great at playing that captain, leading man role. He can be confident and cocky all at the same time, yet you still love him and like the character. He can be a jerk, yet you still like him and side with him on things. This space-set movie would be directed by Joss Whedon. This could be a great, great movie if they let Whedon take control. We've seen how great Whedon can do with a like Firefly and I think StarFox would give him the opportunity to do something like that again. The Plot: The movie uses the plot from Starfox 64. The first forty-five of the movie uses the Andross/James McCloud/Pigma Dengar storyline. Fox McCloud and the others finally come in with about an hour left in the film. The movie would be CGI with the actors providing the voices and facial expressions. After the credits, we hear the same man from the ending of Zelda and Metroid. We hear him say, €œAndross couldn€™t get the job done. He was too unpredictable. He didn€™t follow orders. You, however, can get the job done.€ The camera pans around and we see Wolf O€™ Donnell.