3. Metroid

I was going back-and-forth trying to decide which movies would be in this universe. I was stuck between Metroid and Kirby. Kirby seemed too child-like, it seemed to be too much of a kid movie to be in the universe. Kirby would be a great movie for Dreamworks to do, but I don't know if it could fit into this universe. Metroid keeps that darker tone and feel like the previous movies have and having a female lead would bring something different to the films; something Avengers didn't do.
The Cast:
There isn't really that much to cast in this one. The movie is pretty much Samus. All of the monsters and bad guys in this movie will most likely be CGI. The role of Samus would have to be Milla Jovovich. She is the perfect choice, in my opinion. She showed what she can do in the Resident Evil movies and showed that she can be a badass, which is exactly what you want in the Metroid movie. Ridley Scott would be the man I'd have direct this. The entire movie I picture has a Prometheus feel and look to it. Not only does he share the name of a bad guy from the Metroid franchise, but he also makes the movies that Metroid is most like. I think Mr. Scott is the best choice to give us a live-adaption Metroid.
The Plot: Samus travels through the planet of Zebes to stop Space Pirates from exploited Metroids for galactic domination. It ends with Samuss battle with the Mother Brain. Unlike the game, the movie does not feature Ridley. After the credits, we hear the same man that was talking to Ganondorf. All wee hear him say is, Youre ready. The camera pans over and we see Ridley.