5 Fantasy Movie Adaptation No One Liked

1. The Hobbit

Eragon Movie
New Line

There's been a lot of bad things said about The Hobbit, and not all of them are justified. The films biggest problem was that it came as a successor to the universally acclaimed Lord Of The Rings trilogy, certainly a hard act to better.

But that doesn't mean that The Hobbit didn't have problems, it did. One of the biggest complaints was its overuse of CGI, taking away from the realistic feel of The Lord Of The Rings which used models and prosthetics for many of its effects. Also, and contrary to almost every other fantasy film, it was too long. Trying to stretch a single novel the size of The Hobbit across three two-hour-plus films meant that a lot of extra padding had to be put in, including several characters who weren't in the book.

All three Hobbit films were successful at the box office, but not on a level with The Lord Of The Rings, they also couldn't match its awards success, with none if the films picking up an Oscar.

If seen as films separate to The Lord Of The Rings, the Hobbit trilogy does have a lot going for it, but when viewed in comparison to that massive landmark of cinema history, how could it ever win.

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Huge fan of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Watches anything with Liam Neeson in it.