5 Future X-Men Films That Should Be Made

4. Wolverine and the X-Men (Future X-Men)

0 x-men last stand

Hugh Jackman is one of the reasons the series has survived as well as it has, but he can't be fighting armadas of mutants forever. Even if he is enthusiastic about the character, and even if he does say he loves playing him, eventually he won't be able to physically pull off all those stunts. So why not have him take a back seat, and help train the next generation? Professor X will probably be dead after DoFP, since he died in X3, so who is left in charge? Storm? Possibly, but Wolverine is the real star of these movies, and Halle Berry, as great of an actress as she is, has notoriously asked for a lot of money to play Storm. She may or may not be necessary to the success of the series, depending on how well her role is written. The primary focus, however, would be on the next generation of mutants. Rogue, Iceman, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, and even Nightcrawler can return, with some new mutants sprinkled throughout. Magneto might change sides in DoFP, so he can stay on as a mentor of sorts. Maybe. It sounds like McKellen might want to step down after DoFT as the Master of Magnetism, so he may or may not appear. As for his replacement? Apocalypse. If they do the 80's and present day stuff simultaneously, they can plant the building blocks for Apocalypse's big plot. It could potentially be epic. The big appeal, though, would be Wolverine mentoring younger mutants, like Rogue or Kitty. One of the best Wolverine stories in the comics involved him training Kitty Pryde. It changed the way both characters were written. Shades of this were shown with his relationship with Rogue in the films, but I'd like to see more of that. Hugh Jackman is an excellent actor, so, if anyone can pull off Wolverine's sensitive side, it's him.
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An aspiring writer, I am an avid fan of everything nerdy. Movies, televisions, games, comics, literature. Anything, I'm interested. Though my real passion is writing. Maybe one day I'll be a published author with books everywhere. Who knows...?