2. Eddie Murphy - A Thousand Words

It's not really a new thing that Eddie Murphy stars in a terrible movie. He's arguably one of the funniest comedians of all time yet the man is absolutely cursed when it comes to picking films. Just look at his track record over the last five years where four of his five original comedies were abysmal failures. It's really saying something though that A Thousand Words might be the worst of them all. We're looking at a body of work that includes Razzie champion Norbit and infamous box office flop Meet Dave. Could Murphy really outdo himself and turn in a comedy so formulaic and so mailed in that it turned out to be the opposite of funny? It's a tall task but Murphy successfully pulls it off. A Thousand Words makes the exceptionally dumb decision to silence Murphy's lead who is somehow cursed by a magic tree. Now as soon as he says 1,000 words, Murphy will somehow be killed off by the curse. So the now mute Murphy must go through life without talking and at the same time learn valuable life lessons, like how valuable every word he speaks really is. The premise was not bought by the audience or critics, or really anyone. Murphy is known for being a motor mouth and taking that gift away is a mind-blowingly idiotic move. It almost makes it impossible for Murphy to make a worse film with the bar being established so ridiculously low. Knowing Murphy, he'll do his damnest though and we're going to see at least one more awful Murphy-fronted film in 2013.