5 Great Adam Sandler Performances He Rarely Gets Enough Credit For

2. Happy Gilmore

happygilmore Here's another one that might need a little defending. Happy Gilmore, along with Billy Madison, defined the Sandler comedy brand. Many would even argue that this was when Sandler was truly a comedic talent on the big screen. Happy Gilmore was a character that was cool and witty in some scenes and absolutely bat shit crazy in others. This bi-polar mixture worked perfectly to both charm and entertain audiences. For those that think Sandler plays the same character in every film: were the characters of Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore at all alike? Don't answer that. Happy Gilmore worked because Sandler made the character work and because, once again, he was comedic gold in both his timing and performing in every way. He made this and Billy Madison work because he worked as an actor and a comedian. Besides, without Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore, we wouldn't have Happy Madison Studios and that would be a shame. Right? Right?

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.