5 Great Characters That Deserve Another Chance In A Superhero Movie

3. Catwoman

catwoman_mgdyz Selina Kyle is in a good place after many felt Anne Hathaway€™s portrayal stole the show in The Dark Knight Rises. It was a necessary rebound given the complete and utter failure that was Halle Berry€™s Catwoman in 2004. With her popularity restored, it may be time to consider another solo outing. Hathaway has expressed interest in a spinoff, but with Christopher Nolan having closed the door on his Dark Knight trilogy, the prospects of such a film actually happening are dim. If, however, Jonathan Nolan or David Goyer wanted to write a script and find a worthy director, perhaps the older Nolan brother will allow them to play in his sandbox. After all, it could be done in a way that would not alter Nolan€™s trilogy in the least. A story set after The Dark Knight Rises is out of the question since it raises too many questions, like €œWhere€™s Bruce?€ and €œWhat€™s happening in Gotham now?€ A prequel avoids all of that in fits right in with Selina Kyle€™s hinted past. She was on the run in TDKR and it would be interesting to find out why. The story does not even have to be set in Gotham, as the police files Bruce looks up in TDKR show Selina had criminal exploits in Detroit, Michigan. Without a Hathaway prequel, a Catwoman solo film becomes more difficult, but not impossible. What would help is reintroducing a new version of the character (again) in the inevitable Batman reboot and then setting her off on her own. She could even become an integral part of a DC Universe on film.

Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of ModernMythMedia.com.