5 Great Films Still To Come In 2012

3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Released: 14th December The Hobbit has had a very tortured journey to release. Originally developed under Guillmero Del Torro, it€™s suffered a director change, filming rescheduling and constant script alterations, all the while under constant fan scrutiny. The dissatisfaction with its revolutionary 48 frames a second technology and the recent news that it is now going to be released as three parts (instead of the already overkill of two) has only furthered concern. But let€™s not forget that this is Peter Jackson returning to Middle Earth. The Lord of the Rings are some of the best films from the past decade and are already regarded as classics. Their biggest strength lies in the massive, complete world that Jackson created, using Weta€™s state of the art special effects and the natural wonder of the New Zealand countryside. There€™s a danger the films could be hampered by a weaker, less grand story being spread over three parts. But with the still epic scale of the landscape and an all round great cast including Martin Freeman as the furry footed titular hero and Ian Mckellen's return to his most iconic role, it shouldn€™t be too much of a concern. Here€™s hoping this prequel series kicks off better than that of another classic trilogy thirteen years ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jSvZsEPjiY

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.