5 Great Movies That Were Secretly About Ninjas

1. Jurassic Park (1993)

Again man plays God and creates, perhaps unintentionally, the greatest ninja in the history of the world. No, I'm not talking about the Raptors. We attended Dr. Grant's lecture. We fully expect them to be clever creatures that will appear out of nowhere and eat your face right down to your khaki shorts. No, I'm talking about the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the apex predator, the goat snacker, that big girl with the Earth-shattering heels. That is€ until the very end of this Hong Kong epic. For you see this dinosaur has been in training, running about the island, hunting, killing, eating faster dinosaurs, all this knowledge and experience focusing like an amber drill into her walnut sized brain. And now comes the big finale, seven tons of her stepping stealthily from the shadows - to get those miserable Raptors that killed her boyfriend in a previous life 65 millions years earlier. This is it. The thunder from the lizard. Enter the Dino. Because ninjas find a way. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

Writer of the plains. Explorer of the weird and wonderful. Mike Redlan at your service.