5 Greatest Animal Actors

3. Finder The Horse

warhorse How many actors can you think of that have starred in two different Oscar-nominated films? After your Pacinos, De Niros, and Spaceys, you may start to struggle. With good reason, too - it's a lot shorter list than you would think... for humans alone, never mind animals. Finder is one such actor. If you've never heard of him, then this is his most interesting achievement: When Steven Spielberg's War Horse was nominated for Best Picture at the 2011 Academy Awards, it was the first film about horses to do so since 8 years previously, with 2003's Seabiscuit. Finder starred in both. Indeed, it was he who performed the awesome jump over the tank in the former movie, a fantastic looking stunt that appears only possible with lots of CGI. Finder has also appeared in recent films such as The Legend Of Zorro. Increasingly, he appears to be the go-to actor for all movies of a equine bent.

I am a freelance writer, currently residing in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. I was raised by wolves in the woodlands of Northumberland, but am still posher than Colin Firth having dinner with The Queen. I write all of my pieces by swallowing a cocktail of scrabble tiles and vodka, then regurgitating them over my jotter. Hope this explains the typos.