5 Greatest Beards In Film History

3. R.J. MacReady In The Thing And Alan Garner In The Hangover

RJ Macready The Thing Kurt Russell I've listed both Kurt Russell and Zach Galifianakis at number three as they both seem to sport the same type of beard. Kurt Russell's R.J. MacReady from The Thing is the prime example of this beard type but I guess Zach can piggy back off MacReady's success too. The beard type is also sometimes knows as 'The Jesus' as He is believed to have sported the same said facial hair. Personally I feel Jesus being omnipresent and probably capable of time travel saw The Thing on VHS one night and copied the whole beard idea from it. Call me a blasphemer if you want but that's how I see it folks. Anyway the beard style is simple. It's like a bonsai tree for your face. Big and bushy but thick and close to your face. This is no out of control hobo look. No it's more the unshaven manly style that all real men (like me) sport on a daily basis. With that in mind I'm not quite sure why Zach Galifianakis has it as he's nowhere near the man that Kurt Russell is but nonetheless they share the same beard. The Hangover Part III Given the freezing conditions in which MacReady finds himself his particular beard manages to act as a form of natural protection keeping his pretty little Hollywood face from freezing off. It can also act as a means of maintaining that 'Poker Face' look required when you're under suspicion of being a morphing alien creature. As for Galifianakis well he uses this type of beard to add to his crazy "One man wolf pack" persona and as I've found myself at times this type of beard is also great for just such a thing.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.