5 Greatest Film Scores Of All Time

2. Jaws - John Williams

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvCI-gNK_y4 Who doesn't know this score? Even if you've never seen the movie (if you haven't leave this article immediately and watch it), you still know the classic "Du-Du" and what it represents. John Williams created a score that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire film and by accentuating the shark without ever showing it until very late into the film. Another brilliant thing about the score is its acting as the shark itself with the "Du-Du" being the sharks heartbeat as it stalks its prey. This really makes it un-necessary to show the shark because the music does a better job of creating fear in the film than showing the shark ever could have. Jaws is also genius for the times the music isn't used. Think of when the shark comes out of the water causing Brody to say the now famous, improvised line "We're gonna need a bigger boat." This scene comes out of nowhere and adds one of the best scares of the entire movie because the score isn't there to give the audience a feeling that the shark is near. This scene establishes the fact that the shark could attack at any moment so you're constantly on edge.
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My favorite movies are Before Sunrise, Pulp Fiction, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alien and Her so don't be surprised to see those pop up in my writing from time to time. I'm currently in school for Journalism/English and I have an obsession with all things cinematic on the side.